More than 10 years ago, we realized that there were very few contract tube fillers that not only specialized in quality, but adapted to the needs of customers with varying quantities and materials being filled.
At the same time, Norden machinery of Kalmar, Sweden was in search for a strategic alliance to show off their latest technology�s and expertise. Voila, TFS was born.
We only use the latest and greatest machinery from Norden with all new support equipment and personnel with over 50 years of total experience!
Call us today to start the process that makes your job easier.
Why your tubes look so good
The NM 700 provides outputs of up to 70 tubes per minute and is designed and manufactured to produce the highest possible packaging quality standards at maximum operational efficiencies. NORDEN can now supply automatic in-feed equipment to suit all filler models from 70 up to 300 tubes per minute. NORDEN's customers have particularly appreciated extremely good access that is provided to all functions, filling nozzle, pumps, sealing station etc, plus the reduction in time needed for size changeovers. The noise level is also considerably reduced in comparison with conventional in-feed systems.
The robot picks the tubes from the transport boxes and place them directly into the tube holders providing greater reliability along with easier and faster changeovers. Plastic and laminate tubes may be sealed using the Norden´s patented Hot-Air Sealing system. The Design-A-Seal® system gives numerous possibilities to enhance the tube as a packaging. Aluminum tubes may be closed with number 1 - 2 - 3 (saddle fold) or 4 folding with plain or crimped finish. Using a combination sealing beam, plastic, laminate and aluminum tubes (with any of the above fold patterns) may be filled and sealed without making extensive changes to the sealing unit or stations. Many functions incorporated into the NM 700 as standard features are normally only offered by our competitors as optional items.